Team Shikshamitra
Conceptualized by Sudeshna and Sujit Sinha in 2004, Shikshamitra continues to be an open learning and resource center. The Shikshamitra team consists of people deeply committed to education. Their expertise is in child development, teacher education, material development (Bengali, English and mathematics), and creativity at the elementary level. Shikshamitra honors diversity through its team members. With full time, part time, and outside resource persons, the organization moves forward.

Sudeshna Sinha
Founder and Head of Shikshamitra
Sudeshna has been a resource teacher to alternate initiatives, many by NGOs, and teacher centres in West Bengal and other Indian states, including Digantar, Rajasthan. She has been a long-term advisor and resource consultant to the alternative school, Nalonda, in Bangladesh and Techno India Group of Schools at Ariadaha in West Bengal. She has close connections to Wipro Foundation and Azim Premji University as a resource consultant. Currently she splits her time developing need-based content for learning centres in urban and rural Bengal, as well as building the capacity of teachers and mentoring organisations.

Biswajit Chitrakar

Maura Hurley
Shikshamitra Art educator & Designer and present co-coordinator of Shikshamitra Library.

Mahua Dutta
Library Resource Person

Dr. Aniruddha Deb
Publications Advisor

Babai Das
Productions Assistant

Shikshamitra Associates
Rajat Mallick
Sound & Music
Gopal Mondal
Maths Training
Sipra Mukherjee
Bengali Training
Rajat Mallick
Sound & Music
Gopal Mondal
Maths Training
Sipra Mukherjee
Bengali Training
Rahul Basu
Worksheet Production
Rahul Basu
Worksheet Production
Malini Basu
Tanya Kumar
Malini Basu
Tanya Kumar
Members of the Shikshamitra Managing Committee
Dr. Aniruddha Deb
Sudeshna Sinha
Priyatosh Dutta